So its been awhile since I have updated the blog, BUT I hope to remedy this soon. The good news is that we are still alive and well. Part of the reason its been so long was I got sick and kind of lost my will to blog.... sorta
About a month or so ago I got a really bad case of Strep throat. So bad in fact, that my throat basically swoll up so much that I couldn't eat or barely drink anything. Lucky for me, Leilani has an AWESOME natural Dr.,
Dr. Krupka, who fixed me up with some herbal remedy's that, surprisingly enough, started working the next day. The yucky part is that it working meant... *this is the gross part **, that a hole opened up in the top part of my throat to allow the puss to drain out. But with the herbs and the super duper Thieves spray Leilani fixed up for me and of course a preisthood blessing; I was all better within the next few days.
It's probably the sickest I have ever been and I literally thought I was going to die. But I didn't... I was already sold on natural medicine with how it helped Leilani with her epilepsy, but I would never have thought it would help knock out a bad staph infection without the help of modern antibiotics. Anyways, on to better and fun topics!
Leilani is 8 months along now! Time is going by quick; it's go time! We are starting to kick it into high gear to get ready for the birth. Since we are doing a home birth again, it's up to me to get the apartment spick and span for the new edition. This isn't my area of expertise but I'll do my best.

Took this yesterday with Lelani's friend Amy who is about 5 1/2 months pregnant as well. We had a fun morning at the park with them while I took photos of their 1 1/2 year old Timothy. Aren't they Beautiful!

Matthew and Timothy havin fun
4th of July - We went over to our friends the Weismanns, for a fun filled evening of good bbq and fireworks. Matthew had a blast with the sparklers and morning glories, but what kid doesn't!

More updates soon to come... I promise.
- Ailona