February 28, 2010

Ice Skater

Matthew loves to mimic the ice skaters when we watch the Olympics

February 19, 2010

feeding the ducks

so much fun!

Lil Racer

Lil Racer, originally uploaded by ailona.

Went and took pictures for Jesse, one of the kids in Sunday school. Matthew was getting grumpy standing around so Jesse put his shades on him and we stuck him on the bike.. He was happy afterward.

February 8, 2010


Lei and her mom went out the weekend to find someway to organize Matthew's toys. After his birthday and Christmas they have been out of control! So they went to Ikea and found these neat little shelves that allows you to use different size buckets to store things in. Its actually two put back to back and yes Matthew has already kicked everything off the top and climbed up the stairs. Its solid wood so its pretty sturdy.

While we where organizing mode we decided it was time for Matthew to get his own bed and found a nice solid wood bed on Craigslist. He is so excited to have his " big boy" bed and loves to climb in and out. I was expecting to find him on the floor playing with his toys the first night we let him sleep, but to my surprise he stayed in it the past two nights!
new bed
new sheets

After a long day of work, he was tuckered out and fell asleep mid meal.

tuckered out

February 1, 2010

power windows

With school going again I've been really trying to balance my time at home between homework, work, and especially Matthew. so every day, after doing a little work in the morning I try to take him out for a walk or bike ride, if the weather permits. Today we kicked the soccer ball around and then we worked on cleaning up our Honda. Well, mostly i cleaned and Matthew played with the windows. In the pics below he had his head to far out once and it caught him off guard and clipped his nose, it was hilarious and i was excited i caught it on camera.

power windows